Working with House of Leading Brands is Easy


Knowing what to track, who to track with, and how to get back on track is vital to successfully navigate today's complex business landscapes. It's not an individual game. Working well together is what matters most.

The magic happens in Teaming bringing diverse perspectives together
to get things done.

Tracking Success blends adventure and teaming in a Virtual Safari Environment that allows you and your team to follow Master Trackers on Safari in the African bush. Learn to make important decisions as a team with limited information and watch your results as the trackers follow the path you have chosen.

It's great fun with a serious purpose. Through this unique workshop, you will learn to unlock your team's ability to adapt, improvise, and work collaboratively
to achieve shared goals.

Tracking Success

What: Tracking Success is the world’s first virtual wildlife tracking adventure.

It’s a unique combination of adventure, experiential learning and world class leadership content - all combined into a single in room learning experience.

Demands on teams and leaders have changed dramatically in the past 2 years. Across all industries, organizations are searching for new ways to keep their teams connected and to help their businesses perform.

Use Tracking Success to:

  • Ignite your next team session, leadership programme or sales meeting

  • Inspire teams at every level of your organisation

  • Energize your leaders and help them to refocus on what’s most important

  • Build team spirit, trust and interpersonal relationships


Tracking Success can be hosted at an in-person event by world renown tracking

experts accompanied by skilled leadership facilitators


3hr – full day. Tracking Success can be delivered virtually and at scale using most popular video conferencing platforms.


Option 1: The Power of Relationships

In The Power of Relationships, Alex van den Heever, and Renias Mhlongo share their personal story with humor, sensitivity, and humility.

It’s a story that began 25 years ago at the Londolozi Private Game Reserve. It is a tale of contrasts: white and black; man and boy; apartheid and unity; third world and first world.

Together they demonstrate how to break down cultural barriers in the workplace and foster generosity of spirit among people. It is not a methodology they offer but rather an ability to inspire the audience and open their minds to their potential as individuals and as a team.

Learn how to get on to the path to mutual understanding and to demolish the walls that isolate us from one another. This keynote is perfect for diverse working groups, teambuilding, sales and leadership teams. A true story with original content.

Option 2: The Nature of Success

Africa’s wild places contain some of the most complex and competitive ecosystems on the planet.

The animals that live here can be subjected to rapid change and intense competition.

Over time each species has adopted a set of physical characteristics and habits that give them a unique sustainable competitive advantage.

In the Nature of Success keynote we focus on four iconic African species ... Elephant, Giraffe, Leopard and Lion.

Powerful stories and stunning images demonstrate what nature can teach us about resilience, teamwork and leadership.